Author: Chase Snyder, Cybersecurity Strategist, Xage Security
Industrial Cyber has released their 2023 Buyer’s Guide to Industrial Cybersecurity Technology, Solutions & Services.
This large and comprehensive document delivers a thorough State of the Industrial Cybersecurity Market for 2023, as well as listings of the most significant and innovative vendors across a range of technologies in the market. The report highlights both technology trends and organizational trends, as well as recent changes in the landscape of global guidelines and regulation, such as the new CISA Cross-sector Performance Goals for Industrial Cybersecurity (CPGs). Unsurprisingly, many of the themes and technologies discussed emphasize the principles of zero trust.
Industrial Cybersecurity Highlights: Zero Trust, Cyber-physical Systems Protection, Secure Remote Access, and more
The challenge of bringing Zero Trust cybersecurity into operational technology is giving rise to a wave of innovations. Technologies that are well understood in the IT space are being reimagined to secure the combination of modern and legacy assets that support functions critical to the function of our society.
The Industrial Cyber buyer’s guide does an excellent job demarcating the business and technology concerns that need to be solved, and the categories of technologies and services that are available to solve them. The guide is an excellent resource for identifying how these parts all fit together into a broader security strategy for industrial organizations at any maturity level. After summarizing the evolution and maturity of the market and outlining various trends driving the space forward, the guide divides itself into segments focused on
- Technology Concerns
- Business Concerns
- Global Industry Guidelines and Regulations
- Technology and Solutions
How Xage Fits Into the Industrial Cybersecurity Buyer’s Guide
Among the technology concerns identified in the guide, Xage has specific capabilities to address all of them, with special emphasis on:
- System Hardening
- Industrial Identity Management and Zero-Trust, and
- Zero Trust for the Industrial Enterprise
As a provider of zero trust security solutions, including identity-based access management, secure remote access, and zero trust data exchange for industrial enterprises, Xage Security offers both technology and services across many of the core trends and concerns covered in the guide. Including:
- Cyber-Physical Security and Operational Systems Health
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Network Discovery, Monitoring, and Threat Detection
- Secure Remote Access
- Segmentation and Zone Enforcement
- Industrial Cybersecurity Services
- And more!
As the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure gains increasing urgency and focus from technology vendors, international governments and regulatory bodies, and the infrastructure operators themselves, assets like this buyer’s guide grow more important for practitioners to navigate an increasingly complex security landscape.
You can download the complete Industrial Cyber and TakePoint Research Buyer’s Guide 2023 – Industrial Cybersecurity Technology, Solutions, and Services, here, and find Xage on page 65!