VPN Replacement with Xage

Remote access should increase productivity, not risk of cyberattack. Now is the time to replace VPN with more secure alternatives like ZTNA.


Ivanti VPN CVEs

In February 2024, CISA and other global cybersecurity agencies released multiple security advisories on the risks associated with Ivanti VPN. In short, Ivanti, along with dozens of other legacy VPN solutions, are built on old, insecure technology and pose a significant security risk to any organization that deploys them. 
Xage is offering up to 2 hours of free, expert consulting to organizations affected by the Ivanti zero day. No strings attached.
CISA’s Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC)

Overview & Known VPN Risks

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) first gained popularity in the early 2000s. They provided a first ability to access assets over the internet, allowing for remote access and praised for productivity and ease of use. Today, VPNs are present in most enterprises. 

However, as adoption grew, so too did security concerns about VPNs. 

VPNs introduce significant risk to the environment due to the broad and unrestricted access that they grant to users with valid credentials. The challenge? Credentials abuse, making VPNs a very attractive point of entry for cyberattackers. In fact, the use of stolen credentials is the most popular access point for breaches, present in 49% of all breaches reported in the 2023 Verizon Cost of a Data Breach Report.

What’s more, the technology itself is vulnerable. Many VPNs are built on legacy technology that is littered with CVEs. In the case with Ivanti VPN, researchers have uncovered open source code that had not been updated in over 20 years.

Experts believe Ivanti is merely the canary in the coal mine of what’s to come with VPNs. We expect to see an onslaught of VPN exploitation from for-profit attackers, as well as nation states.

Gartner Peer Insights

We implement Xage for access to our OT network via the IT network side. With the usage of XEP as a barrier between and the useability of the Xage platform the transition from using our older style RDP system has been flawless.

Xage Provides a Secure Alternative to VPNs

Zero Trust Access

Unleash your workforce to move quickly without compromising on security. With Xage, any authorized user, whether an employee or third party, can gain access to the systems that they need to do their jobs quickly and easily. Unlike VPNs, they’ll only have access to exactly what they need and nothing more. 

With the Xage Fabric Platform, enterprises can get all the benefits of zero trust-based secure remote access without the risks of VPNs. Xage Fabric Platform combines zero trust network access (ZTNA), privileged access management (PAM), and secure collaboration into a single platform.

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)
Privileged Access Management (PAM)
Secure Collaboration
Xage Fabric
Traditional ZTNA

Identity-based, Least Privilege Access

Asset-level Access Control

Identity-Aware Access Logging

Secure Data Transfer

Multi-Hop Session Termination

Multi-Factor Authentication

End-to-End Encryption

Session Recording

Credential Management and Rotation

Real-time Session Collaboration

Secure Access Across the Entire Enterprise

There are many enterprise assets that VPNs can’t access, much less access in a secure manner. Xage specializes in providing secure access across the entire enterprise – spanning from datacenters and cloud to operational assets and IoT. No asset is out of reach for Xage.

Secure Access Across the Entire Enterprise

Displace Your VPN With Xage

Use Cases

Third-party Access

Whether you use multiple identity providers, or just one, effortlessly provide access to employees, contractors, and your extended workforce, while implementing precise control over their permissions.

Experience greater productivity with multi-user remote collaboration.

Agentless Privileged Access
Into IT Environments

You can’t put agents everywhere. Many VPN, PAM, and ZTNA providers require an agent to be installed. This doesn’t work (but this does) on many types of enterprise assets and workloads, leading to gaps in coverage.

Xage delivers agentless privileged access into IT environments including infrastructure and applications.

Privileged Access
Into OT Environments

OT and ICS assets have unique security and access requirements, which VPNs and jump servers cannot meet

Don’t sacrifice security by using incomplete IT-centric tools. Leverage purpose-built zero trust remote access for OT.

Case Study

Top-10 Energy Producer Chooses Xage to Overcome VPN Shortcomings

Modernize Remote Access

Read a deep dive on how to select a solution that will enable remote access without compromising security.

Related Resources

Ready to ditch your insecure VPN?